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50th Celebrations

50 years ago, 1964, on the 14th of September the pupils of Straide Boys & Girls primary schools vacated the old schools built in the1880’s and walked the short distance to the new primary school.

On Friday, September the 12th 2014 the school community celebrated this historic event. We invited back to Ss. Peter & Paul, all past pupils and especially those who were pupils in September 1964. The function at Hotel Ballina on August Bank Holiday, also coincided with the commemoration of the laying of the foundation stone of Ss. Peter & Paul Church in 1914. Looking back there is a great deal to be proud of and we salute previous generations who built solid and strong foundations (in every sense)for the generations who would follow in their footsteps. We are today reaping the benefits of the women and men of our parish (and further afield) who went before us and who made enormous, and often heroic, sacrifices to leave behind a legacy for those who would come after them.

The children also sent out invites for all to come and enjoy the celebrations.

Our Golden Jubilee song

Way down in the County Mayo, in a place they call Straide.

A lovely new school was built in 1964

We’re going to have a party on our Golden Jubilee

Now the teachers say to all the kids – come and listen here to me


Put on your navy uniform and your jumper of royal blue.

Put on your happy face and smile – we’re celebrating here in school

For today’s our 50th birthday and we want you all to know

What happened here upon this day fifty years ago.


Oh, well do some remember, how they played out in the yard.

With conkers, skipping, chasing games – it wasn’t very hard

In every type of weather, they walked to school each day

Looking forward to the summer time – at home to make the hay



And now we try to imagine, what happened on that day

As the doors were opened in the morn, inviting all to stay.

No laptops, whiteboards, computers or fancy games to play.

We used the blackboard and our slates for writing on each day


More photos and information about the celebrations can be seen here.

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